It’s Saturday! This happened to my aunt back when I was a kid, only it was messy and much more expensive. One chilly night her cat (Fritzy) had crawled up under the car and into the warmth of the engine compartment. When my aunt went out the next morning to start her car there was a terrible squeal coming from the engine. She immediately shut it off and opened the hood to find her bloody cat and a whole lot of fur scattered throughout the engine compartment. Poor Fritzy was cut up pretty bad. He suffered numerous lacerations, a broken paw, and lost a lot of blood and fur. I don’t remember how expensive it was to put Fritzy back together, but I’m sure it wasn’t cheap. If it’s true that cats have 9 lives, poor Fritzy used up several in the blink of an eye that chilly morning.
Bad Kitties
It’s Saturday! This happened to my aunt back when I was a kid, only it was messy and much more expensive. One chilly night her cat (Fritzy) had crawled up under the car and into the warmth of the engine compartment. When my aunt went out the next morning to start her car there was a terrible squeal coming from the engine. She immediately shut it off and opened the hood to find her bloody cat and a whole lot of fur scattered throughout the engine compartment. Poor Fritzy was cut up pretty bad. He suffered numerous lacerations, a broken paw, and lost a lot of blood and fur. I don’t remember how expensive it was to put Fritzy back together, but I’m sure it wasn’t cheap. If it’s true that cats have 9 lives, poor Fritzy used up several in the blink of an eye that chilly morning.