It’s Thursday. Brrr! The horrid white stuff crept in while I slept last night and covered everything in a menacing white slushy mess. We’re supposed to get more of it today which is why my neighborhood has officially postponed Trick or Treating to Friday. Believe it or not, snow on Halloween is a rare thing to the Chicagoland area. In the last 140 years its happened only 6 times. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been cold enough, just that it didn’t actually snow. I can remember freezing my ass off on many Halloweens as a kid. But it didn’t matter much because FREE CANDY!
Seeds! I gutted ‘ole Jack a few nights ago and made my first batch of pumpkin seeds. I didn’t get as much as I would’ve liked, so I’ll probably gut another pumpkin soon.
Remember, under no circumstances do you give out Circus Peanuts to the Trick or Treaters! They’re not edible, I say!
A Chilly & Snowy Halloween
It’s Thursday. Brrr! The horrid white stuff crept in while I slept last night and covered everything in a menacing white slushy mess. We’re supposed to get more of it today which is why my neighborhood has officially postponed Trick or Treating to Friday. Believe it or not, snow on Halloween is a rare thing to the Chicagoland area. In the last 140 years its happened only 6 times. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been cold enough, just that it didn’t actually snow. I can remember freezing my ass off on many Halloweens as a kid. But it didn’t matter much because FREE CANDY!
Seeds! I gutted ‘ole Jack a few nights ago and made my first batch of pumpkin seeds. I didn’t get as much as I would’ve liked, so I’ll probably gut another pumpkin soon.
Remember, under no circumstances do you give out Circus Peanuts to the Trick or Treaters! They’re not edible, I say!