It’s Sunday! To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road, The Beatles have released a new music video for “Here Comes the Sun.” It features photographs taken by Linda McCartney while the band was recording in the Abbey Road Studios and pictures from the group’s final photoshoot in Tittenhurst Parkand. An anniversary edition of Abbey Road is now available that includes newly mixed versions of their original 17 songs, 23 session recordings, and various demos. Enjoy the video and if you’re a Beatles fan, you’ll definitely want to pick up the anniversary edition of Abbey Road.
Rain, Rain, Go Away…
I caught both the Nascar race and the Bears/Vikings game on Sunday afternoon. The Bears did well, beating the Vikings despite losing Trubisky early in the game due to a shoulder injury. As for the Nascar race in Charlotte, NC, I have to finish watching the third segment later today after work.