It’s Wednesday. Today I have some amateur goodness from a reader who’s new to my site. He asks for mercy when viewing his first amateur offering, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary. It’s a good solid photo, so go ahead and check it out. I think we all can look forward to seeing what comes next. Enjoy.
Keeper, I am a new fan of your web site. I found it by accident [long story!] but I quickly became an admirer of your daily musings, jokes, babes and the “amateur goodness” you occasionally show. I have a submission of my own [wife] to offer but I should say that its a total first for me. I really hope to improve the quality in the future, so please show a little of mercy! -Anonymous
A First Amateur Goodness
Keeper, I am a new fan of your web site. I found it by accident [long story!] but I quickly became an admirer of your daily musings, jokes, babes and the “amateur goodness” you occasionally show. I have a submission of my own [wife] to offer but I should say that its a total first for me. I really hope to improve the quality in the future, so please show a little of mercy! -Anonymous